God’s Love for Women Podcast | God’s Goodness, Who Jesus Is, Hope, Healing, Forgiveness, Confidence

Do you feel like you’ll never be good enough for God? That despite your good works, you’ll never please Him? Were you raised with a version of God that you don’t agree with or that doesn’t feel right? Such as a judgmental God that only loves certain people? Friend, this podcast will help you discover the real, true, Biblical character of God. Hi, I’m Jenn. Jesus lover, survivor, and divorcee. God lovingly pursued a relationship with me in my teens. But due to the teachings around me about God, I rejected Him. As a result, I continued to feel unloved, alone, and depressed into my 20s. But after I gave my life to Christ 2 years into my marriage, God purposefully equipped me with legit Biblical resources. Finally, I was able to relate to God for who He really was! Friend, if you’re ready to know the God your heart’s been seeking… And approach Him just as you are, sins and all… And be accepted, loved, and valued - then this podcast is for you! Let’s dive in! Website: https://www.relateescape.com

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2 days ago

Have you been under the impression that God is highly critical? That His approval and affection - though difficult to obtain - must be earned? Do you live under the notion that God is watching your every move, just waiting to catch your smallest mistakes so He can glare at you with disapproval? Friend, I get where you’re coming from. But the truth is that this version of God…it’s actually nowhere in the Bible. This harsh and cruel God doesn’t exist! How can this be? Join me as I share two crucial pieces of evidence that will forever change the way you think about God.
Get a weekly love note from Jenn with legit biblical insights. Plus, be the first to know about exclusive offers! https://bit.ly/GodLovesMeEmail 
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7 days ago

Have you been taught that the Bible is an instruction manual - and that everything within it is 100% approved by God? Are you confused as to what things in the Bible are truly desired by God - and which ones aren’t? Friend, I totally get where you’re coming from and I’m here to help! In today’s episode, I’m going to share a simple, yet super powerful filter (or simple method, if you will) to help lessen your confusion, provide clarity, and keep you from believing things about God (or you as His daughter) that simply aren’t true! Let’s do it!
Get a weekly love note from Jenn with legit biblical insights. Plus, be the first to know about special announcements! https://bit.ly/GodLovesMeEmail 
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Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Have you been struggling with feeling truly loved and valued by God due to what seem like inconsistencies in the Bible - such as numerous instances of multiple wives? When I first gave my life to Christ, this was a huge challenge for me. It wasn’t until years later that I could place this phenomena in its proper context. And guess what? It wasn’t the case of God saying I was “less than” by being female! (Hooray, right?) Join me as I unpack this issue that, too often, is simply glazed over, thereby saving you from confusion and feeling devalued.
Get a weekly love note from Jenn with legit biblical insights. Plus, be the first to know about special announcements! https://bit.ly/GodLovesMeEmail 
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Follow Jenn on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/relateescape

Thursday Jun 13, 2024

Knowing that you need to trust God or Jesus is one thing. Being able to do so is another. After all, trust takes time to build. And what if you’re still learning who they really are? Or have things that are standing in the way - such as related wounds, trust issues, or fears? (Just to name a few.) Well, friend, I’ve got you covered! Join me as I equip you with a simple exercise to help build that trust and, as a result, begin easing into a life-changing relationship.
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Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

Have you been carrying around a wound or hurt? Something that’s weighing you down, keeping you up at night, or stopping you from moving forward? Do you want to find freedom from the trauma and pain? Friend, whatever the wound, Jesus wants to bring healing into your life. Trust me, big or small, there’s nothing He can’t handle. Join me as I cover three ways Jesus can inject your life with hope and healing - and why you can trust Him to do so.
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Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Believing that God loves you can be a challenge - especially if you’ve been told that receiving His love depends on YOU. Your actions, your sinlessness, your exemplary behavior. Yet the biblical truth is actually the opposite! God already loves you - and will continue to love you no matter what - because of who HE is. And what’s more, evidence of His love is likely already surrounding you. You just haven’t been able to see it through no fault of your own. But that changes today! Join me as I help you focus on His love in your everyday life.
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Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

Friend, have you been taught that God’s love for you changes based on what you do? Or that God is just plain temperamental? Or that His character is different depending on which “version” you’re reading in the Bible? Friend, I’m here to tell you that throughout the Bible - from the Old Testament to the New Testament - God’s character remains the same. Not only that - His character is more than you could ever hope for! Join me as I focus on four of God’s main character traits that, among other things, reveal His steadfast love and goodness.
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Thursday May 30, 2024

Friend, you’re in a season where you naturally have a lot of questions - general and specific. You have questions about God, Jesus, and the Bible. About who you are. And maybe even about Christianity as a whole. Whatever your questions are, getting answers is critical to your growth and relationship with God. Which is why, in today’s episode, I’m providing you with a simple way to start getting those answers. Let’s dig in!
P.S. There are three ways you can submit questions to me:
https://www.relateescape.com/podcast - At the very bottom of the page, you can send me an audio message up to 90 seconds long.
https://www.relateescape.com/contact - You can contact me using a standard form on my website.
https://www.relateescape.com/community - Join the God’s Love for Women Facebook Group and post your questions there.
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Be the first to hear about new podcast episodes and special offers! https://relate-escape.ck.page/godsloveforwomeninsider 
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Tuesday May 28, 2024

Do you do anything you can to avoid going to church? Does your parent’s religion make you feel demoralized, hopeless, and depressed? Does your heart yearn for a God that truly loves you but, despite your best efforts in your current environment, you can’t seem to find Him? Friend, I know what it’s like to grow up desperately desiring to be seen and loved and yet, at the same time, be living in a place where the true God isn’t taught. But the good news is that, in addition to learning about God’s real character, understanding why your current church is the way that is it can help set you free to connect with Him! Join me as I explain three of the biggest reasons behind your current experience.
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Thursday May 23, 2024

Do you struggle with the idea of God forgiving you for your sins? Have you been told that God’s forgiveness is only for special people? Or that you have to do certain things? Is this causing you to feel depressed or hopeless? In today’s episode, I’m going to walk you through four Scriptures and show you that, in reality, God’s forgiveness is highly accessible. (No extra requirements needed!) Ready to bask in God’s forgiveness and His love for you? Let’s do it! 
Bible verses referenced in this episode (all from the Message translation): Ephesians 1:7-10; 1 John 8-10; Acts 2:38; Psalm 32:5.
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